Community Barbeque opened in Greenvale
Posted by Ross Carter
on Apr 13, 2016
Community Barbeque Officially opened in greenvale by the rotary club of greenvale, hume city council and jemena
The Rotary Club of Greenvale in conjunction with Hume City Council and Jemena proudly presented a Barbeque to the Greenvale Community. The official opening occurred on Wednesday April 13th in Greenvale Reserve of Greenvale Drive.
The Rotary Club of Greenvale have, in conjunction with the Hume City Council and Jemena, today officially opened a new community Barbeque in Greenvale Reserve, Greenvale. This was the culmination of a Project initiated by the Rotary Club of Greenvale in July 2014. We worked through finding the Barbeque we wished to install and the Park in which we wanted to place it. In September 2014 we approached, the then, Hume City Council Mayor, Cr. Casey Nunn, to propose that the Rotary Club of Greenvale install a new, two hotplate electric community Barbeque in the Greenvale Reserve park. Our proposal was enthusiastically received by Council and a partnership was then formed.
The Rotary Club of Greenvale then set about raising the funds that would be necessary to complete this project and this was achieved by April 2015. By May 2015 we found that the electricity that the Barbeque would need to run, had to be brought under the road in Greenvale Drive and into the park. We approached Jemena and our second partnership was formed. Jemena generously offered to get the electricity supply under the road and into an electricity power pit sited in the Park at no cost. Work was completed by mid June 2016.
In August 2015 the Hume City Council provided the power box and meter attached to the Jemena Power Pit and commisioned the power to the that box. They also supplied the concrete slab on which the barbeque now sits.
The Rotary Club of Greenvale purchased the barbeque from Christie's, and transported it from the Council Depot in Maffra Street. We also provided the trenching, cable and conduit, certification and connection between the council meter and the Barbeque as well as erecting and installing the Barbeque itself. By late November 2015 our Barbeque was installed and available for general community use. All we needed to do now, was ask our current Hume City Council Mayor,Cr. Helen Patsikatheodorou, to officiate at our opening, and together with our current Club President, Stan Koper and Kee Li, from Jemena, this was done on April 13th, 2016.
The Rotary Club of Greenvale are proud of our achievement and hope that the Greenvale Community will enjoy our Barbeque for many years to come.